- I understand that massage therapy is provided for stress reduction, relaxation, relief from muscular tension, and improvement of circulation and energy flow.
 - If I experience pain or discomfort during the session, I will immediately inform my therapist so that pressure/strokes can be adjusted to my level of comfort. I will not hold my therapist responsible for any pain or discomfort I experience during or after the session.
 - I understand that the services offered today are not a substitute for medical care. I understand that my therapist is not qualified to perform spinal or skeletal adjustments, diagnose, prescribe, or treat physical or mental illness.
 - I affirm that I have notified my therapist of all known medical conditions and injuries.
 - I agree to inform the therapist of any changes in my health and medical condition. I understand that there shall be no liability on the therapist’s part should I forget to do so.
 - I understand that massage is entirely therapeutic and non-sexual in nature.
 - By signing this release, I hereby waive and release my therapist from any and all liability, past, present, and future relating to massage therapy and bodywork.


We are not contracted with any insurance companies and we are considered an out of network service provider.  We do not do any insurance billing from our office. We cannot guarantee that your insurance company will pay for our services. Therefore, the entire balance on an account remains always the sole responsibility of the patient. We recommend that you take the time to read over your policy and contact your insurance carrier if you have any questions regarding your coverage.


This Notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information. Please review it carefully.

Under the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 “HIPAA,” it is our legal duty to safeguard your Protected Health Information (PHI). Please note that we reserve the right to change the terms of this Notice and our privacy policies at any time as permitted by law. Any changes will apply to PHI already on file with us. Before we make any important changes to our policies, we will immediately change this Notice and post a new copy of it in our office. You may also request a copy of this Notice from us, or you can view a copy of it in our office. This Notice will remain in effect until it is replaced or amended.

During the course of our relationship with you, we will use and disclose PHI about you for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. We gather personal information and health information from you, other healthcare providers, and third party payers. Use of PHI means when we share, apply, utilize, examine, or analyze information within our practice; PHI is disclosed when I release, transfer, give, or otherwise reveal it to a third party outside our practice. You may specifically authorize us to use PHI for any purpose or to disclose your health information by submitting the authorization in writing. Such disclosures will be made to any personal representative you choose to have your PHI.

This office will not use or disclose your PHI for marketing communications without your written authorization. This office may send birthday cards, thank you cards, notice of clinic events, newsletters, and/or appointment reminders.

This office may use or disclose your PHI without your consent or authorization when required by law.

Patient Rights
1. Upon written request, you have the right to review and receive copies of your PHI.
2. Upon written request, you have the right to receive a list of disclosures about your PHI.
3. You have the right to request additional restrictions on the use and disclosure of your PHI, as permitted by law.
4. Upon written request, and as permitted by law, you have the right to request that we amend your PHI.
5. You have the right to receive all notices in writing.

If you have questions about this Notice or any complaints about our privacy practices, please contact our office. Please send written complaints to the Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Services, 200 Independence Ave. S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201.

This Notice went into effect on April 14, 2003.